Brass gourd, symbolizing wealth good fortune display or gifting.


An exquisite copper gourd with an ancient Chinese style, suitable for displaying artworks or as a gift, symbolizing good fortune and wealth.


Hight:14.5 in

Diameter:7.5 in

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After being verified by the official of FOO, it is confirmed that this product is 100% handmade. From the selection of raw materials to the meticulous craftsmanship of each process, it all meets the stringent standards of handmade production.

The gourd, with its Chinese homophone “Fu Lu” (meaning blessings and prosperity), symbolizes enduring fortune, dual blessings of luck and wealth, and a prosperous family lineage. Placing a gourd in the office signifies abundant financial success.

The gourd is also a vessel of wealth and good fortune, embodying harmony and fulfillment.


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